[elrepo] 4.14 LTS

Akemi Yagi amyagi at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 12:48:47 EST 2018

On Feb 14, 2018 08:54, "David Ranch" <elrepo at trinnet.net> wrote:

This is an interesting point.

I'd argue that in many respects, the ElRepo group is one of the primary
reasons I've stayed on with Centos as it gives me newer kernels than what
Redhat/Centos will.  Packages is an entirely different discussion and I
digress.  Understanding all that, the 4.4.x kernels are already quite old.
I don't have a good understanding of all the work that goes on behind the
scenes for the ElRepo team to release new LT and ML packages but would it
be possible to add more LT kernels?  Maybe not all three of them but maybe
4.4 (for the conservative people), 4.14 (for the people who need a long
life yet want a mostly modern kernel, and then the ML line for the bleeding
edge users?  I know this becomes more and more additive over the years but
maybe a little more can be done to keep Centos up to date?


Just a note to let people know that the CentOS Project provides kernel 4.9.

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