[elrepo] Announcement: EL7 Updated kmod-nvidia package for RHEL7.6

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Wed Nov 7 16:08:36 EST 2018

On 07/11/2018 20:42, Rejean Lepage wrote:
> Ok thank you Trevor for the info.
> How can we install a specefic version 340.107-1.el7_5.elrepothen ?
> I list it but can't install it.

Just be specific:

yum install kmod-nvidia-340xx-340.107-1.el7_5.elrepo.x86_64.rpm

> % yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=elrepo  --showduplicates list  
> `nvidia-detect`
> Available Packages
> kmod-nvidia-340xx.x86_64      340.107-1.el7_5.elrepo elrepo
> kmod-nvidia-340xx.x86_64      340.107-2.el7_6.elrepo elrepo
> % yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=elrepo --showduplicates install  
> 340.107-1.el7_5.elrepo
> No package 340.107-1.el7_5.elrepo available.
> Error: Nothing to do
> Updating the repo so it is accessible by sub version would be a way to 
> fix this... like SL does.
> 7.4
> 7.5
> 7x

That would be a CentOS issue - you would need to talk to CentOS about that.

> The way it is now I have to disable elrepo so it does not brake my systems.
> When yum as an error - yum-cron stop all updates, including security 
> updates.

No, you've got that back to front. The way it is configured now 
*PREVENTS* you from breaking your system. If yum allowed the update, 
that *WOULD* break your system as the display driver and X would not 
load and you'd have a black screen upon boot. Further, there are no 
security updates at the moment until CentOS/SL catches up, at which 
point yum will magically just work again and apply all pending updates, 
including those from elrepo which are waiting for and dependant upon the 
pending CentOS updates.

If this bothers you that much you can easily work around this by 
temporarily excluding any updates in /etc/yum.repos.d/elrepo.repo (or 
yum.conf) for any affected packages until your distro of choice catches 
up, but don't forget to remove the excludes when you update to el7.6 or 
that will cause your system to break too.

Alternatively, you can add a temporary wildcard exclude for all el7.6 
elrepo packages until you have el7.6 available to install:


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