[elrepo] Installing Centos 8.0.1905 to Dell T310

Alan Bartlett ajb at elrepo.org
Sat Dec 21 12:05:16 EST 2019

On Sat, 21 Dec 2019 at 04:04, gday vw <gdayvw at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Alan,
> Thanks for responding
> This link https://elrepoproject.blogspot.com/2019/08/rhel-80-and-support-for-removed-adapters.html is the original post that I found but could not understand
> Anyway I decided to try CentOS v7 as it seemed likely that it would have the driver for my system be default. Fortunately that proved to be the case.
> Thanks
> VW

Thank you for letting me know that you now have a running system . . .
CentOS-7 will, I hope, serve you well.

As for that blog post, I know that toracat (its author) will see this
message. I've read that posting through, once again, and I am not sure
what I write as a follow-up. Perhaps toracat will think of something
that could be added which would help those less experienced?


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