[elrepo] nvidia-x11-drv and GLVND

John Hodrien J.H.Hodrien at leeds.ac.uk
Thu Aug 25 04:54:53 EDT 2016

On Thu, 25 Aug 2016, Phil Perry wrote:

> From my understanding, nvidia first enabled GLNVD in the 361 beta release and 
> there were some reported compatibility issues, mostly with games I believe. 
> In the 361.28 driver release they then incorporated a legacy libGL library 
> and made that the default.

I've not completely followed the changes, but 361.28 broke Matlab.  No such
problems with 367, other people reported happiness with 364.

> So hopefully the current 367 release should be more stable no most of the 
> issues have been resolved, so the next major long lived release from nvidia 
> may be a sensible time for elrepo to roll out GLNVD enabled packages by 
> default.

I've switched to your glvnd build on my desktop, so it's getting a fair bit of
testing here.

> So at the moment I see no reason not to consider rolling out GLNVD enabled 
> packages.

I'd agree entirely.


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