[elrepo] kmod-tpe crashes

Akemi Yagi amyagi at gmail.com
Wed Jul 4 13:18:58 EDT 2018

On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 3:53 AM, Nick Howitt <nick at howitts.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> Following a thread I saw here I am using kmod-tpe in VM in Virtualbox. The
> VM is ClearOS 7.5 beta so is running kernel 3.10.0-862.3.2.v7.x86_64 and I
> am getting intermittent kernel dumps on bootup. More often than not boot
> goes OK, but a number of times I get a kernel panic. Unfortunately I can
> only get an image of the frozen panicked screen as I don't know how to do a
> serial dump from VB to the PC. I'll attach the image and hope you get it.
> What is the best approach on this? If it is the right site,
> https://github.com/cormander/tpe-lkm seems very quiet.
> Nick

The maintainer of kmod-tpe (Phil) is in close contact with Corey
Henderson (cormander). Phil is away now but will be back in a couple
of days. In the meantime it would help if you file a bug report at
http://elrepo.org/bugs so that we can track it there. I am not sure if
the ClearOS kernel is 100% binary compatible with RHEL though. What
was the last kernel version that worked?


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